Thursday, December 16, 2010

Newest Endeavors

I like lists. I like them because usually, if I put something on a list, it gets done. That's how I managed to plan a wedding. But I don't make lists often enough, which means that I don't accomplish what I should. I made a list of the things I wish to do in the next few months. I'm going to post it here so that everyone will know if I don't accomplish what I want to. Pride should keep me going.

1) French. I began learning the language with the Rosetta Stone program this summer, and then promptly quit. So I'm restarting the learning process.

2) Writing. I finished my novel ages ago, re-read it, and promptly decided that I hated it. But I love to write, and there is no reason I'm not writing things that I DON'T hate, so that I can actually get something published. Matt is planning on retiring on the large amounts of money I will make from my huge success as a novelist, so I should get on that.

3) Health. I've been doing very well here lately. (I'm going on two years without a hospital visit...That's the longest it's been since fifth grade.) I've been taking vitamin supplements, drinking lots of green tea and water, etc. Recently I've begun to work out again. All of this is good. Now I want to keep it all going.

4) Reading. There are oodles of books on my list that I need to read. I need to spend less time on facebook and more time reading quality literature that will improve my mind and my vocabulary, thus ensuring less usage of words like "oodles".

5) Drink more coffee. Just kidding. But I felt that my list needed a fifth item.

Love to all!
Lissa Hoarn

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Oddest Things

If you could describe me in one word, what would it be? For those of you who like me, it might be bubbly, outgoing, or confident. For those of you who don't, it might be bossy, annoying, a tad overbearing. For those of you who love me (yes, siblings, I am talking to you...and Liana) it might be obnoxious, air-headed, loud, or amazonian.

But I can almost guarantee that none of you would choose the word "maternal." I am so not the nurturing type. That's Becky, and more recently, Sheryl. (That transformation came as a bit of a surprise...just kidding, Sheryl.) That's not me.

So maybe it's all the time I've spent with Delaney and Tyler lately, or maybe it was the several months of looking after 16 ninth graders, or perhaps it's the whole marriage thing, but my behavior has been shockingly maternal lately.

I've been cleaning the house...regularly. I've been cooking. I made a grocery list. spent the last hour looking at the 2010 list of top 100 baby names. And get, I PICKED OUT THE SCHOOL I WANT MY KIDS TO GO TO.

Well, I picked out the schools. The good news is, they are all top prep schools where almost every kid goes to an Ivy League college, and they are all in Manhattan. The bad news is, the yearly tuition for all of them is higher than my college education is costing me. So I guess I have to be rich before I have kids.

But seriously, I'm starting to freak myself out. The other day, I changed Delay's poopy diaper..AND I DIDN'T GAG. That's a first for sure, even after all of Anna and Bethany's diapers.

Don't are still a long way, 8 years off. At least. I'm sure that this is just an odd, hormonal phase I'm going through, and next week, or next month, or tomorrow, I'll be over it.

I sincerely hope so.

Love to you all,