So...while Dan Hazel amuses himself with his authentic lightsaber that he got for Christmas, and Nathan and Loranna find us a good movie to watch, I'm going to write my first blog of the new year.
I have never been one of those "resolution" people, because I don't believe my life is marked by the comings and goings of January 1st. Therefore, my goals and ambitions should not be marked by another little square on the calendar.
The seasons in my life are marked partially by circumstances, but more by spiritual and emotional progress and digression. They are marked as friends and people who, well, aren't so friendly, come and go in my life. The things that are said, steps that are taken, decisions that are made...all these determine what my goals and ambitions and dreams are. They determine my nightmares too.
I don't really believe that any person is a single stage in their life at any one time. Our lives are so intertwined, so complicated, and so multi-layered. Shrek said it best. "Ogres...are like onions, Donkey". And so is life. One layer of my life is a season of love and contentedness, while another layer is experiencing anger beyond reason, and yet another is struggling to keep my head above the waters of depression. All the while the outermost layer is laughing and crying and going through the motions of everyday life, sometimes willfully denying the more painful layers, or relishing in those that bring joy.

But always we hide. We rarely, if ever, are lucky enough to cross paths with a human being with who can break through every layer and find the person that lies below the confusion that naturally accompanies our humanity. Often we ourselves are not brave enough to do that, afraid of what we will see. When we do make ourselves vulnerable to another, we can only hope and pray that they are kind enough not to use that against us, and wise enough not to unintentionally shatter our lives.
Still, even after all these semi-pessimistic and self-revealing ramblings, it is nice to just for one night pretend with the rest of the country that the New Year means new beginnings, that the flipping of a page and the appearance of the next little box on the calendar magically wipes away all of last year's issues. That tomorrow, when I wake up, I will have a clean slate to mark up for 2010. It's a nice thought, isn't it?
What the hell, I'll deal with reality in the morning.
Lissa Hoarn