Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life Update

I received a text message last night informing me that I needed to update my blog (thank you, Liana) so here I am. Sorry I've been so lackadaisical about it lately.

So I have just three weeks of school left! It feels like this year has absolutely flown by, but I'm ready for summer! I'm excited for my first summer as a married woman, and Nathan and I have lots of plans.

The thing I'm MOST looking forward to is our trip out to Montana in June to see the baby. Of course, at this rate, he might not be here in June. He may just stay in Sheryl forever. (Did you know the gestation period of an elephant is like 18 months? Not that that's relevant here.) Becky, Joel, Laney, Matt, Emily, Nathan and I are all piling into a vehicle and driving out to a cabin in the mountains. We plan to do some hiking (if I can keep my allergies under control) spend some time in Bozeman with Sheryl and Cody, and just chill with the family. I'm pretty excited...there are few people in this world I love as much as my siblings!

So this weekend Mom and I are going to South Dakota with our Junior Olympics volleyball team...this tournament wraps up our season, which is rather sad. The only thing I enjoy more than playing volleyball is being on stage. In a way, they are similar to me. I get the same rush of adreniline. I missed playing so much, and coaching filled in for that a bit. I am hoping to find a coaching position for a younger team in the fall, so hopefully I'll have that to look forward to.

Anyway, I'm going to go make another cup of green tea...with honey, of course. I've become an addict.

Love to all!!!

Lissa Hoarn


  1. thanks for the update, lissa :) yes, i am both terrified and excited for the end of school to come. mostly terrified as of this moment because i have no definite plans for anything.

    also, im glad you get to coach vb. adrenaline rushes are nice, i cant imagine you not being involved somehow in volleyball.

    somehow, being a green tea addict doesnt sound as bad as being a coffee addict. must be those antioxidants.

  2. Green tea is gross.

    Thanks for comparing me to an elephant. I feel like one right now.

    Dont wait so long to blog next time! Its really annoying to check this everyday and see the same old thing!

  3. Too bad you guys aren't coming down this way for the wedding. It would have been nice to see everyone.
