Thursday, November 18, 2010

Things to Be Thankful For

I stole the title of the blog from Sheryl, who stole it from Becky. So the good news is, all of the women in my family are thankful. Here is my list.

1) I'm thankful for my husband. Every day I think "I can't believe I found him". Pretty sure God custom designed us for each other, because we are freakishly compatible. He is so selfless and giving and loving.

2) Family. I am blessed with an incredible family. My mommy is pretty much the most awesome person I know, and I have four of the craziest, loudest, most obnoxiously wonderful siblings in the world. And now that we've all found a significant-other, we've doubled in number and noise. I cannot wait for them all to come home!!

3) Theatre...and school. These sorta go together, because I took a short break from both of them this fall. I'm so glad I did, because now I am anxiously awaiting the start of second semester so that I can get back to what I love...the classroom and the stage!!

4) I'm not pregnant. This is a random one, but I'm so paranoid about getting pregnant that I always think I am. I'm not. So thank you, Lord, for birth control.

5) Books. Every time I spend a few hours immersed in a story, and then pull myself from it, I'm amazed at how far out of this world my mind can travel. Literature has allowed me to experience things that would otherwise be impossible.

6) All the little things that I can't get enough, snow, fireplaces, coffee, volleyball, high heels, coffee, shopping, coffee, big cities, NBC news, lip gloss, peppermint, candlelight, snuggles, and coffee.

And of course, I am thankful for all of you.

Love to you all,


  1. I'm not sure that Emily and Kristine double the noise factor of their respective partners, but perhaps their presence makes the rest of us louder.
    I am also excited for you to jump back into school, and am thankful that my baby sister found such a great husband too!
    And I love all those little things too!

  2. aw, way to celebrate thanksgiving! #4 makes me laugh always, and #5 reminds me to tell you that I got the Hunger Games Trilogy in the mail today. So finish the first and I'll give ya the next one! and the littlest things are lovely, too.

  3. Dude, how am I crazy or loud? The rest of you may be, except Jimmy when he falls asleep. I generate my obnoxiousness through other means, since I certainly cannot talk over any of the rest of you loudmouths.

  4. "Literature adds to reality, it does not simply describe it. It enriches the necessary competencies that daily life requires and provides; and in this respect, it irrigates the deserts that our lives have already become."
    C. S. Lewis

  5. Matt, not all of those words describe all of you. For you, it's mostly just tbe obnoxious part...unless there is beer. That generates a bit of craziness.A very, very tiny bit.
