So my sister Sheryl just sent me an email that said "Cody gets bored sometimes" and the following link.
I'm posting it here, because it needs some serious exposure. You'll notice it was the staff pick for this particular website. Please watch stomach hurts from laughing.
Love to you all,
Lissa Hoarn
It feels like every major transitory stage in life has converged on me at once. This is a convenient way to keep everyone informed.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Missing Him
Some lyrics from my favorite and least favorite song in "Working". It's a beautiful piece, with moving lyrics, and our director has staged it so beautifully. But I can't watch it, or listen to it, because I have to be on stage immediately after, and I can't very well go on sobbing. It doesn't help that the guy who sings it looks like a 20 year old version of my own father. I miss him every time I hear this song.
He was my hero then,
He couldn't do no wrong as far as I was concerned,
I thought he was the wisest, and the strongest, and the best of men,
The tables hadn't turned,
I hadn't learned,
How little time it takes,
Everybody breaks,
And daddies make mistakes.
Just thought I'd share that before going to sleep.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
He was my hero then,
He couldn't do no wrong as far as I was concerned,
I thought he was the wisest, and the strongest, and the best of men,
The tables hadn't turned,
I hadn't learned,
How little time it takes,
Everybody breaks,
And daddies make mistakes.
Just thought I'd share that before going to sleep.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
Rehearsal Blog
I have five minutes til places, so this may be a short blog. I promise (or nearly promise) a longer blog tomorrow...I know, I know, I've been slacking in the blogging department. In my defense, life has been CRAZY busy lately.
So I'm going to put in a shameless plug for the show I'm in right now, and tell every one (everyone in Minnesota, that is) to come see it! It's one of the best productions I've ever been in, and by far the most powerful. It is a collection (seamlessly integrated) of real life stories from people in the working class, from a CEO of a major corporation, to a housewife.
Hold on, I have to go onstage. Back in a jiff.

Ok I'm back. Not that you would have noticed if I'd left, since you are almost inevitably reading this in one sitting.
Anyway, the power in this musical lies in the truth of it. There's no magic, no fairy tales, except the magic and fairy tales that these people made for themselves. If you've read Stud Terkel's "Working" you know what I'm talking about. It's a powerful work.
There is one thing about this show my vanity doesn't like, and that is that every costume I wear (I have 4 of them) is completely and utterly shapeless. It makes sense for them to be shapeless, as my main role is a teacher in her 60s, then my subsequent roles include a housewife, a factory worker, and a cleaning woman. Well, they're not COMPLETELY butt looks good in my housewife jeans. But for the most part, they're worse than CLBS polo tops, which are something akin to a potato sack.

Yes, that bad.
I love you all, and hope to see this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at the show! (If you are poor, Wednesday is a free preview. Call me for details...or facebook me.) Talk to you later!
Lissa HOarn
So I'm going to put in a shameless plug for the show I'm in right now, and tell every one (everyone in Minnesota, that is) to come see it! It's one of the best productions I've ever been in, and by far the most powerful. It is a collection (seamlessly integrated) of real life stories from people in the working class, from a CEO of a major corporation, to a housewife.
Hold on, I have to go onstage. Back in a jiff.

Ok I'm back. Not that you would have noticed if I'd left, since you are almost inevitably reading this in one sitting.
Anyway, the power in this musical lies in the truth of it. There's no magic, no fairy tales, except the magic and fairy tales that these people made for themselves. If you've read Stud Terkel's "Working" you know what I'm talking about. It's a powerful work.
There is one thing about this show my vanity doesn't like, and that is that every costume I wear (I have 4 of them) is completely and utterly shapeless. It makes sense for them to be shapeless, as my main role is a teacher in her 60s, then my subsequent roles include a housewife, a factory worker, and a cleaning woman. Well, they're not COMPLETELY butt looks good in my housewife jeans. But for the most part, they're worse than CLBS polo tops, which are something akin to a potato sack.

Yes, that bad.
I love you all, and hope to see this Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at the show! (If you are poor, Wednesday is a free preview. Call me for details...or facebook me.) Talk to you later!
Lissa HOarn
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Strange Habits

A quick blog while I'm supposed to be in chapel...
I have a new obsession. It's called "Online Shopping: The Pretend Edition". It goes something like this.
I go to a website filled with lovely things I would like to buy and wear (mostly shoes...mostly Christian Louboutin shoes. ) and then I spend a good deal of time picking out the ones I want and adding them to my cart. After I've compiled an extensive list of merchandise, I go view my cart and pretend that I'm debating whether or not to buy them, even though there is no debate at all. One pair of these shoes is almost a month's rent. Then, I "make" the "wise choice" and decide to hold off buying them until, oh, maybe next week. Next week, of course, I will simply repeat the same process.
Now my question is, is it a good thing that I can (for the most part) satisfy my shopping cravings without spending any money, or is that just pathetic? Maybe it has something to do with my insane imagination and intense thespianism. (I made that word up.)
Off to class now!
Love to all,
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Back in the Hospital
Well, I'm sitting in a hospital room for about the gazillionth time in my life, but for once, I'm not the one in the sick bed. So how many of you freaked out when you saw my title for this blog? Hopefully I got at least a couple of you.
One of my best friends from school, Seoyon, went into the nurse's office yesterday with severe stomach pain. They sent her to the emergency room, and in a few hours was diagnosed with a bad case of appendicitis. Apparently they got her into surgery just in time. Seoyon is from Korea, and her parents currently live in Kazakhstan, so she has no family here. Luckily, Nathan was able to stay with her until I could get away from rehearsal and stay the night with her. They expect her to go home tomorrow morning, so pray that there are no complications! She's an amazingly strong person.
Being here made me so thankful for my mom and all those times she spent a whole WEEK in the hospital with me, not just two nights. When you're lying in pain, drugged up on morphine, you're only focused on getting better and going home. But sitting next to the bed, wondering what you can do to help, running on 3 hours of sleep is different. Trust me, it's nowhere near as painful as an appendectomy, but being here makes me shake my head at my wonder-woman mother and how patient she was all those times. Not only that, but she always had the clarity of mind to make good decisions, tell off inadequate nurses, and tell creepy doctors what's up.
Anyway, I'm going to go practice my monologue and song, since I'm missing rehearsal tonight.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
One of my best friends from school, Seoyon, went into the nurse's office yesterday with severe stomach pain. They sent her to the emergency room, and in a few hours was diagnosed with a bad case of appendicitis. Apparently they got her into surgery just in time. Seoyon is from Korea, and her parents currently live in Kazakhstan, so she has no family here. Luckily, Nathan was able to stay with her until I could get away from rehearsal and stay the night with her. They expect her to go home tomorrow morning, so pray that there are no complications! She's an amazingly strong person.
Being here made me so thankful for my mom and all those times she spent a whole WEEK in the hospital with me, not just two nights. When you're lying in pain, drugged up on morphine, you're only focused on getting better and going home. But sitting next to the bed, wondering what you can do to help, running on 3 hours of sleep is different. Trust me, it's nowhere near as painful as an appendectomy, but being here makes me shake my head at my wonder-woman mother and how patient she was all those times. Not only that, but she always had the clarity of mind to make good decisions, tell off inadequate nurses, and tell creepy doctors what's up.
Anyway, I'm going to go practice my monologue and song, since I'm missing rehearsal tonight.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Of Fire Drills and Groceries
So I got my wedding pictures back today...there are so many great ones! I spent almost 6 hours yesterday sorting through the disks and disks of pictures, and narrowed it down to about 450...then I narrowed those down to the 250 I put on facebook. By all means, go see them and comment!
I discovered today that my talent of deep sleeping has progressed. I slept through FOUR alarms today.

That, my friends, is a new record, even for me. I'm serious, I think if the fire alarms in our building had gone off (and trust me, they are the kind of alarm that splits your head down the middle) I would have slept through it. I think I need to start going to bed earlier, because I missed my favorite class today, (well, my favorite except for the fact that it's a first hour period...but still) and that makes me sad.
Speaking of fire alarms, I just thought I'd complain to you all about our lovely fire drill we recently had in married student housing. It was about 4 in the afternoon, which, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, means I'm sleeping, because I had to get up very early, and I have rehearsal from 7 to 10 PM. So I take a short nap in the middle. It also means I have a very, very, very minimum amount of clothing on. And I also happened to have a headache and a soar throat on this particular day. So the lovely, musical sound of the head splitting siren was even MORE pleasant that it usually is. I dressed as slowly as possibly out of protest, while Nathan hunted for our keys, and walked out into the hallway to see the fire marshal in his huge, fluffy hat (not joking). It was like those British guard hats, only with a giant "Fire Marshal" badge on the front.

He smiled cheerfully at me as I walked out into the bitter cold, and I gave him a friendly glare in return. I swear, if that ever happens again, I'm just going to hide under the bed so when they check to see that every one is out, they think I'm gone. Of course, with my luck, it wouldn't be a drill, and you'd have Lissa Extra Crispy on the menu.
Just finished taking an Ethics test, which I spent the morning studying for, since I missed my early classes. (The first one on accident, the second class on purpose) Nathan is a much more analytical thinker than I am, so he's still in the class working on the last few essay questions. It was a fairly easy test, mostly just analyzing arguments and such things. Tomorrow I have a New Testament exam, which should be interesting, since I have to fight so stay awake in that class. It's the only class I really, really don't want to go to. Thankfully, it's only a quad, so soon it will be over and done with.
Nathan should be almost done, and we are going grocery shopping today.

This has become a favorite activity of ours, after a full semester of a nasty, expensive meal plan and empty cupboards. Now, we get to make a lovely list on our little magnetic refrigerator pad, and cheerfully debate whether or not Philadelphia Cream Cheese is worth the extra 40 cents (it is), or whether or not we should splurge and get bagels this week. It's fun!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings! I shall cease and desist.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
I discovered today that my talent of deep sleeping has progressed. I slept through FOUR alarms today.

That, my friends, is a new record, even for me. I'm serious, I think if the fire alarms in our building had gone off (and trust me, they are the kind of alarm that splits your head down the middle) I would have slept through it. I think I need to start going to bed earlier, because I missed my favorite class today, (well, my favorite except for the fact that it's a first hour period...but still) and that makes me sad.
Speaking of fire alarms, I just thought I'd complain to you all about our lovely fire drill we recently had in married student housing. It was about 4 in the afternoon, which, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, means I'm sleeping, because I had to get up very early, and I have rehearsal from 7 to 10 PM. So I take a short nap in the middle. It also means I have a very, very, very minimum amount of clothing on. And I also happened to have a headache and a soar throat on this particular day. So the lovely, musical sound of the head splitting siren was even MORE pleasant that it usually is. I dressed as slowly as possibly out of protest, while Nathan hunted for our keys, and walked out into the hallway to see the fire marshal in his huge, fluffy hat (not joking). It was like those British guard hats, only with a giant "Fire Marshal" badge on the front.

He smiled cheerfully at me as I walked out into the bitter cold, and I gave him a friendly glare in return. I swear, if that ever happens again, I'm just going to hide under the bed so when they check to see that every one is out, they think I'm gone. Of course, with my luck, it wouldn't be a drill, and you'd have Lissa Extra Crispy on the menu.
Just finished taking an Ethics test, which I spent the morning studying for, since I missed my early classes. (The first one on accident, the second class on purpose) Nathan is a much more analytical thinker than I am, so he's still in the class working on the last few essay questions. It was a fairly easy test, mostly just analyzing arguments and such things. Tomorrow I have a New Testament exam, which should be interesting, since I have to fight so stay awake in that class. It's the only class I really, really don't want to go to. Thankfully, it's only a quad, so soon it will be over and done with.
Nathan should be almost done, and we are going grocery shopping today.

This has become a favorite activity of ours, after a full semester of a nasty, expensive meal plan and empty cupboards. Now, we get to make a lovely list on our little magnetic refrigerator pad, and cheerfully debate whether or not Philadelphia Cream Cheese is worth the extra 40 cents (it is), or whether or not we should splurge and get bagels this week. It's fun!
Anyway, enough of my ramblings! I shall cease and desist.
Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn
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