Thursday, February 11, 2010

Strange Habits

A quick blog while I'm supposed to be in chapel...

I have a new obsession. It's called "Online Shopping: The Pretend Edition". It goes something like this.

I go to a website filled with lovely things I would like to buy and wear (mostly shoes...mostly Christian Louboutin shoes. ) and then I spend a good deal of time picking out the ones I want and adding them to my cart. After I've compiled an extensive list of merchandise, I go view my cart and pretend that I'm debating whether or not to buy them, even though there is no debate at all. One pair of these shoes is almost a month's rent. Then, I "make" the "wise choice" and decide to hold off buying them until, oh, maybe next week. Next week, of course, I will simply repeat the same process.

Now my question is, is it a good thing that I can (for the most part) satisfy my shopping cravings without spending any money, or is that just pathetic? Maybe it has something to do with my insane imagination and intense thespianism. (I made that word up.)

Off to class now!

Love to all,


  1. I told you to write about things that I can relate to.

  2. I sort of do that. I just don't put them in a cart.

  3. I tried this the other day, Melissa. How fun! Well, fun until what you "ordered" doesn't show up on your doorstep a few days later...ha. But I suppose for the next few years as poor poor college students, this will have to do :D
