Thursday, February 4, 2010

Of Fire Drills and Groceries

So I got my wedding pictures back today...there are so many great ones! I spent almost 6 hours yesterday sorting through the disks and disks of pictures, and narrowed it down to about 450...then I narrowed those down to the 250 I put on facebook. By all means, go see them and comment!

I discovered today that my talent of deep sleeping has progressed. I slept through FOUR alarms today.

That, my friends, is a new record, even for me. I'm serious, I think if the fire alarms in our building had gone off (and trust me, they are the kind of alarm that splits your head down the middle) I would have slept through it. I think I need to start going to bed earlier, because I missed my favorite class today, (well, my favorite except for the fact that it's a first hour period...but still) and that makes me sad.

Speaking of fire alarms, I just thought I'd complain to you all about our lovely fire drill we recently had in married student housing. It was about 4 in the afternoon, which, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, means I'm sleeping, because I had to get up very early, and I have rehearsal from 7 to 10 PM. So I take a short nap in the middle. It also means I have a very, very, very minimum amount of clothing on. And I also happened to have a headache and a soar throat on this particular day. So the lovely, musical sound of the head splitting siren was even MORE pleasant that it usually is. I dressed as slowly as possibly out of protest, while Nathan hunted for our keys, and walked out into the hallway to see the fire marshal in his huge, fluffy hat (not joking). It was like those British guard hats, only with a giant "Fire Marshal" badge on the front.

He smiled cheerfully at me as I walked out into the bitter cold, and I gave him a friendly glare in return. I swear, if that ever happens again, I'm just going to hide under the bed so when they check to see that every one is out, they think I'm gone. Of course, with my luck, it wouldn't be a drill, and you'd have Lissa Extra Crispy on the menu.

Just finished taking an Ethics test, which I spent the morning studying for, since I missed my early classes. (The first one on accident, the second class on purpose) Nathan is a much more analytical thinker than I am, so he's still in the class working on the last few essay questions. It was a fairly easy test, mostly just analyzing arguments and such things. Tomorrow I have a New Testament exam, which should be interesting, since I have to fight so stay awake in that class. It's the only class I really, really don't want to go to. Thankfully, it's only a quad, so soon it will be over and done with.

Nathan should be almost done, and we are going grocery shopping today.

This has become a favorite activity of ours, after a full semester of a nasty, expensive meal plan and empty cupboards. Now, we get to make a lovely list on our little magnetic refrigerator pad, and cheerfully debate whether or not Philadelphia Cream Cheese is worth the extra 40 cents (it is), or whether or not we should splurge and get bagels this week. It's fun!

Anyway, enough of my ramblings! I shall cease and desist.

Love to all,
Lissa Hoarn


  1. we had to march out of the dorms the other week in the cold. not fun.

    i am soooo not ready for the new testament midterm. yuck, yuck, yuck. but we can do it and we're almost done!

    and yes, that extra 40 cents is worth it :D

  2. I honestly don't think we've had fire drills at UAH... We have had the power go out in a windowless building before. That was a pain!!

  3. so i found out why the fire alarms went off at my apartment at 4:30 AM... the people cleaning the grills in the chipotle in the same building as my apartment were newbies and set off the alarms.
